Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm gonna have some badass scar tissue

SO, I guess I got a little delayed with this whole blogging thing due to my medical mishap last week. Oh yeah, you probably didn't even know that my contact sliced my cornea last Thursday in my sleep. which in turn became infected and thus an ulcer was formed right over my pupil. So let story time begin.

I basically suffered an agonizing Thursday of classes with my eye winked shut staring at the ground while people asked why my eye was winked shut and I was staring at the ground all day because every little tiny source of light felt like a sea urchin was rolling around over my retina. Basically, I decided that the only thing I could do for it was sleep it off so I didn't go to practice and went to bed at 3:00 pm, waking up every 30 to 90 minutes in a stinging pain to wash my, at that point, severely wounded eye with tap water from my squirting sports bottle. Needless to say, but I'm gonna say it anyway, I was in about twice as much pain the next morning when I physically could not keep my eye open 1) due to the family of microscopic porcupines that transmogrified themselves from light rays on top of my cornea and 2) because my eye was severely swollen and puffy. Yeah, I don't like having to go to the hospital, but I figured since my eye looked like a perfect diagram of the sun that showed sun spots and astral flares, all in the same vivid colors, that it was a good enough reason to hobble on down to the clinic.

Anyhow, it's been one week and hourly applications from each of my six different antibiotic eye drops and two slow release antibiotic pills, and now my vision is almost back to normal. Just for a couple of seconds, think about what it would feel like to literally have your cornea split in half. (You should be thinking now) Mmm...

I guess some good came out of the whole situation though. My ophthalmologist says that I'm going to have a little scar on my cornea for the rest of my life. Okay, now some of you may think that's kind of weird and creepy, but I think that's pretty badass myself. Sure, it causes a small loss of vision, but now maybe my right eye can catch up to my contact prescription in my left eye. I'm actually kind of sad that he prescribed me a steroid drop to heal it.

Alright, that post was kind of selfish and next time I'll try to talk about a more concrete, in-the-news topic to rant and flame about instead of my personal life. Or maybe I'll just talk about the fucking Asians across the dorm hall who smoke in their rooms every day cause it's too cold for their skinny asses outside. Damn they piss me off.

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