Wednesday, February 11, 2009

/wrists /logRL

SO, I don't think anything is more annoying than signing onto Facebook at the end of the day and seeing a dozen new statuses from people who think their life is so horrible. Stop being such negative Nancies. I swear to God, nothing on the internet pisses me off more than people who just feel sorry for themselves so much that they have the need to express it to everyone else to comfort their asses. Clearly, moping does not fit into the two rigidly defined categories that the internet was designed for:
1: Looking up pointless misinformation on Wikipedia/ Submitting pointless misinformation on Wikipedia
2. Watching porn
Please. Tell me where bitching slides into that

I dunno, it just seems like people are real downers sometimes. Is it because they're all secretly craving attention and spotlight (dammit, blogging about this seems so hippocratic)? Possibly. Maybe they just had a bad day. Sure. Maybe you're just a pessimistic pussy. Likely.

Next time you're sitting at your computer, bitching to your friend on AIM, or writing an e-mail about how shitty your life is and how much you hate it... just look around you. Look at the computer you're using, the room you're in and its furnishings. Do you know how many millions of people in America envy you just for being where you are? Have you ever thought about how lucky you are for being brought up in a two parent household (no offense if you weren't)? Did you ever stop to appreciate how good you had it because you're in/went to college? (again no offense) No. No...don't even say of course, cause you haven't actually given a good couple of hours of your time wondering how horrible lives of other people are. 12% of people in America live in poverty every day. Do the math of 12% on 300 million right now. Okay, I realize that's a little hard for most of you with the horrible U.S. educational system but that's 36 million people. Those people don't even have the ability to tell people how bad their lives suck.

I really don't want to go into numbers and all that jazz, I'm just saying, realize how good you've got it. Realize that you've got expendable cash in your pockets at all times. Realize that you're probably being just a little bit selfish when you walk past a charity collection booth and don't donate because you want to spend an extra dollar on Taco Bell tonight. Realize that you're a lucky one. And realize that I'm going to flame you on Facebook for being an emo faggot.


  1. oMg Toth, that was lyke...SO uncalled for, lyke you don't even no how bAd it is for all of us because lyke I for 1 no that I am not having a good time and 1) I dont use internets 4 porn cuz that's just GROSS ok? I uses it 4 when I haf to tell ppl things that i cannott say in persons cuz I aM too scurred to say 4 real life sometimes. k? K!

  2. I agree. I bet starving kids in India would love to have facebook.
