Wednesday, May 26, 2010

SO, a thought occurred to me on funnyjunk today with the prickish 12 year old community wanting more achievements for an already cancer filed site mainly regarding this post, here's my opinion:

You fucking kids nowadays always want achievements for the simplest of tasks, its the only way to keep you interested in anything anymore because your mother and father's lack of praise in their parenting makes stupid blocks of text next to your name seem like a vicarious way of getting their approval. Howabout you and all your Xbox Live junkie friends go get the achievement for fucking yourselves, this month only the points are worth double

Another terribad update

Monday, May 24, 2010

Fashion Police Firin' Lazzorz Beamz

SO, with my visit to the first day of summer classes at CSU I encountered a lot of new people, things, cultures... holy shit there are a lot of fucked up people in Cleveland. But anyway, this just really brings me to my main point of people wearing the stupidest fucking clothes and outfits imaginable - well to me at least, they are unimaginable because I could never think of wearing black jean short that go to your shin with a leopard skin vest over a red shirt. Anyhow, here's a short list of clothes with pictures embedded that I really wish Americans would stop wearing:


The two things I automatically think about when I see a girl sporting these nasty shag shoes
1: Slut
2: Idiot who paid way too much for fake fur

Jean Shorts

Chances are we have never talked if I have seen you wearing these since they are one of the many choices of apparel often sported by child rapists and 8 year old boys which actually have a lot in common

Technical Tees (Cut-Offs)

No. Seriously never. People shouldn't be wearing these in the gym, or on the field or whatever let alone in public.

Sequined Apparel

The fastest way to determine if someone is a stupid black chick or stupid black chick wannabe is if they own these


If you still wear these the probability of us ever hanging out is slim to none

Puffy Vests

These were never cool. Also, they don't keep you warm with half your body exposed. And hopefully you never rub up against anything hotter than 110 degrees or the fucking plastic will melt and you'll have fake goose feather cotton balls exploding out of it


You probably belong at an ICP concert or shooting crips in a back alley if you've ever thought about owning these

What a fucking gay update. I am such a woman for making this